
My name is Kjell Lennart Nygård and I work as an engineer on a daily basis. I came into the world in 1967 in the beautiful Art Nouveau town of Ålesund, which is beautifully located between fjords and mountains, and here I live today. I am a hobby photographer and love nature. Here I often travel in kayaks, on foot and on skis.

All products are made in the USA or Europe and can be delivered within a reasonably short time. The products is made from high quality materials and are well made.
If you want products in the shop in other sizes or designs (framed, canvas etc.), just contact me and we can find a solution best suited for your need.

Bilde av bølger og sol
Test print ordered and I am very satisfied with the quality of the print and framing work.
Bakside av bilderamme.
Backside of image frame.